Monthly Training Purpose

We are very fortunate to have on board our own professional Sports Director, Personal Trainers, Team Physician, and other supporting staff/consultants. All members are encouraged to learn how to benefit from these relationships and their lengthy and valuable experiences.

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November is a good time to start preparing slowly for next years race season. After the State Champs in mid October most riders took a week or two easy or completely off. This is always a good thing to do after a long race season.

If your goal is to be on form at the start of the Florida race season (Tour of Bahamas starts Jan 22-24) then you should be training already seriously in November. Training this month can include longer rides on weekends and strength training in the work week both on and off the bike.

If you are planning on changing bikes and pedals then now is a good time and not in the middle of the season. This is also a good time to bring your weight down if you are carrying a little extra body fat. Working on improving your core strength and leg strength in the gym will contribute to your all around fitness and bike performance for next year.


Base training focused on building endurance and muscle strength.

Ideally, perform all training this month under threshold power. It is okay to go in Zone 4 for short periods of time during group/weekend rides.

Use big gear intervals to build muscle strength, and add a few standing-start sprints to improve your explosive power.

Use On/Off intervals to keep your fast twitch fibers from falling to sleep. Work on leg speed, without stressing the heart, to improve pedaling stroke and cadence.

Use long rides to build endurance. Use cross training on or off the bike for fun and fitness maintenance. Use the gym for core and specific strength training.


Increase your threshold power. This requires plenty of long sustained intervals right at your threshold heart rate or power. Now is the time to prepare for the race season coming up with local fast group rides or training races that simulate racing. Make some hard race type efforts in the local group rides by going for the sprints or breaking away. When drafting spin at over 100rpm to improve your leg speed.

January is also a good time to improve your sprint with weekly sprint session. To maintain your endurance gains from your winter base training include a weekly tempo intensity ride in a big gear or at a high cadence.

If you have been training in the gym over the past couple of months then now is a good time to focus on explosive power. To achieve this increase the speed of execution while reducing the weight. Keep the reps low so that you don’t increase muscle size.

If you are carrying extra body fat then now is the time to reduce your body fat percentage. This with specific training is the best way to improve performance.

Your bike fit should be dialed in for race season by this time. If you are going for time trials in 2009 then ride once a week on your time trial bike.


The Florida race season starts in February! It is time to test your legs against your fellow competitors. Once you start racing all the training goes out the window. In a race there are many riders of similar strength. What separates a winner from other competitors is his mental outlook. Consistent winners go to races with the attitude to win. They believe they can win. They are focused and know how to maximize their strengths.

Here are some tips that will help you prepare better for an upcoming race:

Come up with a goal for each race. Aim high! Ask yourself – how do you need to race and what strategy do you need to implement in order to achieve your goal.

Come up with a pre race routine. You should have in place a pre race meal plan, a specific warm-up, the time your need to be at the race, and your bike should be tuned to race by Friday the latest. Being organized will take some stress away from race day.

Visualize your success! There is nothing more powerful than putting out a strong intention to achieve a certain goal. If it is hard for you to believe that you can achieve a win then remind yourself of all your best races or group rides and the great training you have done. This will increase you confidence.

Training in between racing should include plenty of recovery and some very hard interval sessions on a Wednesday, but only if you feel like you are recovering well both mentally and physically. Performing a simulation ride that is similar to the race on a Wednesday is a great idea and will prepare your body for what is in store on race day.